In Old Norse literature, the home of the dwarves is called either Nidavellir ( pronounced "NID-uh-vell-ir ;"  "Low Fields" or "Dark Fields" or Svartalfheim ( pronounced "SVART-alf-hame:" Old Norse " Homeland of the Black Elves"). The dwarves are master smiths and craftsman who live beneath the ground,  in a labyrinthine, subterranean complex of mines and forges. The dwarves would forge fierce magical weapons for the God's themselves. One of the most famous of these weapons was Mjölnir (pronounced "MYOL-neer") it is known as a symbol of Thors power, used to defeat giants. Thor also consecrated objects, people, and spaces using Mjölnir, essentially bringing them from a state of chaos into the ordered sacred realm of the cosmos. He used Mjölnir to bless marriages, bestowing fertility upon the couples he blessed.

Mjölnir ("MYOL-neer")